
describe the principles and techniques of classical conditioning


outline the principles, techniques, and applications of operant conditioning


cite the factors involved in the process of learning


apply the principles of learning to human and animal behavior

Please read Chapter 2 of textbook - Learning.

Please answer questions #1 - 9 on page 50.  Complete question #1 under Critical Thinking. 

Journal Entry #3
Subject Heading:  Journal Entry #3
Recall a situation in which you taught another person a skill or how to do a task.  Write a brief account about it in your journal.  Make sure to include a description of the strategy you used for teaching this person.

Once you are finished, please proceed to 
Learning Experiments


Bus Crash Activity

bulletLecture Notes
bulletClassic Conditioning
bulletClassic Conditioning situations
bulletOperant Conditioning
bulletSchedules of Reinforcement
bulletReinforcement vs Punishment
bulletDiscrimination vs Generalization
bulletLearning Self-Test