Bus Crash!



Mr. Reints decided to hold a Saturday review session to help his fabulous Psychology students study for their exam.  Such a large number of dedicated students chose to attend that he decided to charter a bus to drive them to Pizza Ranch.  (Then they could also use the time on the bus to study with classmates.)  On the way home from a wonderful review, tragically, their bus was hit by a bus full of Mrs. Bosse's reviewing Biology II students.  Fortunately, everyone survived the horrible crash, but many students were injured.

Using the description of each person’s behavioral symptoms, determine the probable location of their brain damage and then explain the function of that area of the brain.


Area of Damage

Primary function(s) of that area

1.        Jordan C. often kept falling asleep at odd times and in odd places.

2.        Carna and Taryn had problems coordinating their movements and keeping their balance.

3.        Jordan P. suffered from an impaired ability to initiate, plan, and make good judgments.

4.        Kylie and Lacey N. experienced Alzheimer-like symptoms.

5.        Ashley lost the ability to move her right arm.

6.       Allen suffered from an inability to form new memories.

7.       Justin had to start taking insulin because he had difficulty controlling her sugar metabolism.

8.       Taryn experienced difficulty with analytic thinking, science & math reasoning.

9.        Jordan C and Justin B often flew into a rage and started picking fights.

10.     Mr. Reint's speech was choppy, slow, and a grammatical mess.

11.    Jordan P could no longer respond to his doctor’s soft tap on the knee.

12.    Ashley lost feeling in her left leg.

13.    Jordan P seemed to constantly be experiencing a “runner’s high.”

14.     Taryn and Carna kept catching different illnesses.  They couldn’t seem to shake them.

  1. Mr. Reints horrified at the news of the crash, ran to the phone, bumped his head and saw stars.