Mock Election:  Presidential / State Senate race




Part 1


1.  The class will be split evenly into groups.  Each group will then proceed to name a

candidate, campaign manager, and staff.  (Campaign manager and staff write          speeches make posters, etc.)


2.  Groups will then create a name for their political party.  Students will make up a 200- 250 word historical background on their party.  Students will then in general terms describe in a minimum of 75 words what their party’s philosophy is regarding the role of government in American life.  You will provide each group with 2 copies of these and the teacher with one copy.


3.  You will describe your party’s position on the following major issues:

education, health-care, abortion, drugs and alcohol & social security.  *You must be sure to justify your party’s position.  You will provide each group with two copies of this and the teacher with one copy.


4.  In school we will conduct a forum on which all candidates will be involved.  You will be asked 3 questions from each party on the above major issues.  You will not know these questions ahead of time so you must be prepared for anything and everything.   (Please make the questions reasonable-we do not want any candidates to quit because of embarrassment or other reasons.)  *This forum will be held the day after you introduce your candidate to the class.(end of part 2)


Part 2

Your party will create a “response map.”  You will need a 36 inch wide by 30 inch (approximately) long piece of paper (the paper in the teachers lounge is okay).  You  will divide the paper into six sections.  Make up an original title for your “response map” which includes the name of your political party.  Include the following items in  your “response map” so it can be used as a guide in your oral presentation to the class.  This oral presentation will be used to introduce your candidate and your political party to the class.


     Section 1: Copy the campaign slogan used by your political party.

     Section 2: Create a song, jingle, or rap with at least 20 different lines which

                      reflects your political party’s point of view.(Yes-you must sing it!)      

     Section 3: Draw the mascot/logo for your political party.  Include a brief   

                      description of how the mascot/logo represents the party.      

     Section 4: Find a photo of, draw or trace a famous person from your party and   

                      include a significant quote from that person.

     Section 5: Create an original political cartoon which reflects your party’s            

                       position on immigration.  

    Section 6: Create an original political cartoon which reflects your 

                       party’s  position on military spending.                   

Part 3:

Each group will come up with a platform that describes positions their party will adopt.  You already have described the position that your party will adopt on five major issues in Part 1.  This is somewhat different because this is what you will base your campaign on.  It may include some of the issues in part 1 but you should ask yourself:  What group of people do I want to reach out to and what issues are these people involved with?  How will you persuade them to vote for your candidate?


Each candidate will create a television commercial.  Each commercial shall state the party’s platform and what he/she stands for.  In addition this will be a persuasive commercial in which the student will try to convince the voters to vote for them.  Each commercial should last no more than five minutes.


Each candidate will create a radio commercial approximately 30 seconds long.  Include anything you want here.


In addition to the commercial each candidate will prepare a speech to be given in front of the class.  The speech should address why the voters should vote for them over the other candidates.  Once again it should incorporate their party’s platform and issues they wish to push once they get into office.  These speeches should be between 4-7 minutes.  There will be a penalty for running too long or too short.


Part 4:

Critical Incident:  At the last moment damaging news comes to light that may cost your candidate victory.  Your group will be given a critical incident and you will have to decide how to handle it.



The entire project will be graded on teamwork (through peer and teacher evaluation), clarity of issues, persuasiveness, visual presentation of your “response map” and overall appearance of the campaign process.  Grades will not be determined on who wins and who loses.  It is very important that your candidate be well rehearsed in their speeches and the forum.  The candidates may help in the other areas but since their job is to be the candidate and they must be well prepared (they are the ones on display during the speeches and the forum) it is basically up to the campaign manager and staff to do the rest of the work.  Ex. Response paper, write the background, write the speech itself etc.  Candidates have ultimate control over delegating responsibility in this project.  This is all important to the overall “appearance of the campaign process” which will be part of your grade.  Everyone in the group gets the same grade-regardless.


Total points-150


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