Powerpoint note guide

List and explain four causes of World War I.





Why would ethnic groups want their own independence?


Look at the map.  Who was allied with Germany?

Who was allied with Russia?

Study the map of colonial empires in 1914.  What do you notice about France and Great Britain?  How might this factor into the war?


Who was part of the Triple Entente (allies)

Who was part of the Triple Alliance (bad guys)

The triple Alliance was also known as the _________ Powers.

Explain the “Spark that started the war” in your own words.  (100 words)










Germany invaded what country first?

Their strategy was known as the __________________ Plan.

What was the purpose of this plan?


What were the three types of trenches?

What was “no man’s land?”

Describe conditions in the trenches.

How long did the First Battle of the Somme last?

Define neutrality.

What are U-boats?

Explain the Lusitania disaster.  How many were killed?  By who?  When?

Who won the 1916 election?

What was his slogan?

What was the Zimmerman note?

What was the promise?

What day did Wilson declare war?

What was the Selective Service Act?

How many American troops made it to Europe for combat?

How did “doughboys” get their nickname?

What were some new weapons used?

Who was Alvin York?

What was his greatest accomplishment?

What day and year did Germany sign a truce ending the War? 

What did the War Industries Board do? 

What were victory gardens?

How did the government raise money?

What were the Espionage and Sedition acts?

How is the Great migration related to World War I?

How did the war help women and the 19th amendment?

What was the impact of the Flu epidemic in 1918 and 1919?

What was Wilson’s 14 point peace plan?

                What were some of the highlights of the plan?

What was the treaty that ended the war called?

How would the treaty lead to World War II?

Describe the League of Nations

Who was Henry Cabot Lodge?

How many people died in the war? 

If World War I was called “The war to end all Wars” why did it not?