Was it necessary to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and was it worth the repercussions?


1. You will be responsible for a 3 page report that answers the following questions:

bullet research what the consequences of an invasion of Japan would have been.
bullet research the effect of the atomic bomb on Japan and its people.
bullet research the effects of the bomb on the world after World War II.
bullet research the bomb itself and the scientists that developed it.

Below are resources that may point your research in the right direction:

bullet Guide To Japanese A-Bomb
bullet Hiroshima: Was It Necessary?
bullet Major Effects of the Atomic Bomb
bullet Leo Szilard, Interview: President Truman Did Not Understand
bullet Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
bullet Pros and Cons of Dropping the Bomb
bullet This paper will include the information you have found in your research that supports their argument.

Paper will be 3 pages

1 inch margins on all pages except 2inch top margin on the first page. 


Times New Roman-font

List of all sources used.