Tasks (Things to Know)




Foreign Policy prior to the War

bulletKnow all the major statements/legislation/treaties dealing with our foreign policy created during the 1920s and 30s
bulletWhat it said
bulletWhat the implications were
bulletWhat the reaction in the US was
bulletWere we an isolated nation or not?
bulletWhat changed after 1939?






United States Goes to War

bulletBetween Sept. 1, 1939 and Dec. 7, 1941
bulletWhat steps did the US take to stay out of the conflict in Europe
bulletWhat steps did we take to assist the Allies in their fight against the Axis
bulletAfter Dec. 7, 1941
bulletWhat strategies did the Allies develop to achieve victory over the Axis
bulletWhat were the major battles in the Pacific, Europe and North Africa
bullet Location






Home Front during WW II

bulletWhat actions/legislation did the US employ to prepare for war before Dec. 7
bulletWhat actions/legislation did the US employ to prepare for war after Dec. 7
bulletHow did life change @ home for
bulletThe population as a whole
bulletOther minorities
bulletWhat were the significance of the elections




Preparation for a Post War World

bulletKnow the major conferences that took place during and after the war
bulletWho attended
bulletWhat was decided
bulletWhere and when
bullet Repercussions




Atomic Bomb

bulletReasons to drop the bomb
bulletReasons not to drop the bomb
bulletIf the decision had been your, what would you have done??? Why???