


  1. A. Peter Dewey
  2. French rule
  3. Ho Chi Minh
  4. Vietnam
  5. Domino Theory
  6. Dien Bien Phu - May 1954
  7. Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap
  8. Gemeva Accords, July 1954
  9. 17th parallel
  10. Ngo Dinh Diem 1956
  11. Vietcong - 1957
  12. National Liberation Front (NFL)
  13. Ho Chi Minh Trail
  14. Buddists
  15. Gulf of Tonken incident - 1964
  16. Tonkin Gulf resolution - August 1964
  17. Operation Rolling thunder


  1. Barry Goldwater - sen. Arizona
  2. Republican party candidate for president
  3. Robert McNamara - Defense secretary
  4. Dean Rusk - sec. of state
  5. George Ball under secretary of state
  6. General William Westmoreland
  7. Napalm
  8. Agent Orange
  9. search and destroy missions
  10. Nguyen Cao Ky
  11. Credibility gap
  12. Senator William Fulbright


  1. New left
  2. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  3. Free movement
  4. Tom Hayden - Al Haber
  5. Green Berets
  6. Doves
  7. Hawks


  1. TET offensive - Jan. 30 - Feb. 24, 1968
  2. Clark Clifford
  3. Robert Kennedy
  4. General Westmoreland
  5. John Lewis
  6. Eugene McCarthy
  7. Racial Violence - April 1968
  8. Walter Cronkite
  9. Democratic Naitonal Convention - August 1968 Chicago
  10. Hubert Humphrey
  11. SDS Tom Hayden
  12. Mayor Richard J. Daley
  13. Richard Nixon - Republican
  14. George Wallace


  1. Vietnamization
  2. silent majority
  3. My Lai Massacre - March 1968
  4. Invasion of Cambodia
  5. Kent State - May 1970
  6. Pentagon papers 1970
  7. Daniel Ellsberg
  8. Henry Kissinger - president's advisor
  9. Le Duc Tho
  10. Thieu regime
  11. fall of Saigon
  12. Khmer Rouge
  13. War Powers Act