Semester Test Sample questions


1.  How did Lincoln react to opposition to the war in the North?

2.  Clara Barton founded what organization?

3.  Copperheads are who?

4.The Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg are important because they were _________ __________.

5.  The North had advantages of  more _______ and more factories.

6.  When Grant took command of Union forces in 1864, he personally led attacks in the _______(direction on Compass) against General _____.

7.  Lincoln won reelection in 1864 due to victories in the ___________.

8.  ________ _________ __________ assassinated Lincoln.

9.  The purpose of Lincoln's Gettysburg address was to remind the nation  the purpose of the Civil War was to:

10.  Most soldiers who died in the Civil War died of what:  combat injuries, disease, malnutrition?

11.  What effect did the idea of "States Rights: have on the South in the Civil War?

12.  What is a canister?

13.  The South's plan at the beginning of the Civil War was ______ ______ attrition.

14.  Before the Emancipation Proclamation, what legal argument gave Union armies the right to free captured southern slaves?

15.  The 13th amendment did what?

16.  14th amendment did what?

17.  15th amendment did what?

18.  Why was the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack historically important.

19.  General Sherman captured Atlanta by:

20.  General Lee surrendered to General Grant where ___________ ___________ and when (year)

21.  What was the significance of the Battle of Shiloh?

22.  Lee marched to _____________(state) Gettysburg with the goal of winning a victory on Northern soil.

23.  After the Civil War, one way southern farming changed was through the practice of ____________.

24.  After the War, the South imported much of its food because of the focus on ________crops rather than food crops.

25.  Reconstruction was the effort to:

26.  Unlike Lincoln, President Johnson was willing to issue Pardons to who?

27.  Forty acres and a mule was the rumored policy of:

28.  After the war, southern cities grew because of ind_ _ _ _ _.

29.  The KKK stands for:

30.  Reconstuction included rebuilding of roads, bridges, public schools.  True or False

31.  What was the Freedmen's Bureau?

32.  In his Reconstruction Plan Lincoln made southern states accept his policy of  _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

33.  Tenant farmers paid to ______ __________.

34.  Carpetbaggers were people who:

35.  Who succeeded Andrew Johnson as President?

36.  Some historians call Reconstruction "an extension of the Civil War" because it launched fierce policy battles in Washington:True or False

37.  When Radical Republicans passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867, southern states were put under ___________ rule.

38.  Why did Radical Republicans disagree with Lincoln's reconstruction plan? too harsh or too lenient or required a pocket veto.

39.  Black codes restricted the rights of _______ _______.

40.  Civil War amendments are

41.  Gaining control of different businesses that make up all phases of a products development is known as _______ consolidation.

42.  Haymarket, Homestead, and Pullman were industrial __________.

43.  Thomas Edisons inventions include the central power station, ____________, and _____________.

44.  What led to the development of the standardization of time zones across the country?  transcontinental __________

45.  What describes the working conditions in factories of the late 1800's?

46.  Transcontinental railroad connects the ______ coast to the _________ coast.

47.  Social Darwinism states that if the government does not interfere with business then the smartest and strongest businesses ________.

48.  What are patents?

49.  Employers fought the power of unions by firing the labor leaders.  T  of  F

50.  Critics of industrial leaders nicknamed them robber barons, captains of industry, socialists or philanthropists.

51.  The development of the Bessemer Process led to a new age of American ____________.

52.  Edwin Drake and Pennsylvania Rock Oil company pioneered what technique for obtaining oil?

53.  Samuel Morse perfected the ___________.

54.  Children left school to work in factories because:

55.  Socialism favors public control of ___________ and income.

56.  What is the difference between an oligopoly and a monopoly in an industry?

57.  Why did some unions prefer a "closed shop."

58.  Division of labor is method of production that involves many factory workers?  T  or  F

59.  Andrew Carnegie used his wealth to help fund libraries, post offices, theatres, or Civil Service Bureaus?

60.  Rockefeller made his money in _ _ _.

61.  What is a soddie?

62.  Why did cowboys drive their herds of cattle north from Texas?

63.  Many settlers felt at ease with displacing Native Americans because they thought they could produce more food and wealth. 

64.  The Populist party fought for better

65.  The Homestead Act of 1862 offered settlers 160 ...

66.  The Morrill Land Grant Acto of 1862 helped set up ...

67.  One reason western mining was taken over by large corporations was that:

        the price of gold went down

        government passed laws against searching for precious metals

        individual miners could not afford modern mining equipment

68.  Who taught Americans how to cattle ranch in the early 1800's?

69.  The cattle boom and spread of ranching led to the destruction of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ herds.

70.  Settlers often had to struggle with Native Americans in the early 1800's.  True or False

71.  During the late 1800's, many farmers complained about crop _ _ _ _ _ _.

72.  Placer Mining is sorting loose dirt from _ _ _ with water in boxes.

73.  Who lost at the Battle of Little Big Horn?  General C_ _ _ _ _.

74.  First National Park was:

75.  In financial matters a "gold standard" refers to the amount of money in circulation and the the amount of gold held by the __________.

76.  The Grange is a(n):

77.  Inflation is caused by the government increasing decreasing the money supply which then raises lowers the value of the $.

78.  What is assimilation:

79.  Settlers survived the West by working against each other.  T  or  F

80.  President Taft  believed in _ _ _ _ _ _ diplomacy which is investing in other countries economies.

81.  The main goal of the Panama Canal was to connect:

82.  The Panama Canal was _____________ brainchild.

83.  How was American Imperialism in the 1800's governed by the Monroe Doctrine?  (actual question)

84.  What is arbitration?

85.  Is the need for natural resources a reason for imperialism?

86.  The controversy surrounding the Panama Canal was that the land was acquired illegally.  T  or  F

87.  British war hero Sir Robert Baden-Powell founded what movement:  scouting, imperialism, rough riding, Mr. Reints for President

88.  What does the phrase "banana republic" stand for?

89.  Because the U.S. won the the Spanish-AMerican War, the we gained ______ ______ and the ____________ (Ryan Phillipe)

90.  Some anti-imperialists believed imperialism was based on democracy, racism, humanitarian beliefs?

91.  We wanted Hawaii for what?

92.  What is jingoism?

93.  After the Spanish-American War, opposition to imperialism decreased, grew stronger, based on the need for new markets.

94.  Social Darwinists believed expansionism was a noble pursuit because western culture was inferior or superior to other cultures.

95.  Remember the Maine was a

96.  In Asia (China) Roosevelt worked to

97.  During his presidency, Theodore Roosevelt intervened most often in the affairs of ________- __________ Nations.

98.  Imperialism is strong nations attempt to control ________ nations.

99.  A rebellion in Cuba led to the ______-_______ War.

100.  What is yellow journalism?

101.  Progressives are people who are active doing what?

102.  The Clayton Anittrust Act strenthened the ___________ Anti trust act.

103.  Citizens gained more political power through initiatives and refer_ _ _ _ _ _.

104.  Standard Oil, Northern Securities Company, and the American Tobacco Company all violated the _______ _____ Act.

105.  Why were some progressives also socialists?  (What is socialism)

106.  Why did World War I influence the suffrage movement?

107.  City Reforms during the Progressive Era included _ _ _ and electric companies.

108.  The Federal Reserve System regulates banks, monopolies, or interstate trade?

109.  The muckrakers were:

110.  President Wilson supported reforms that gave more power to

        African Americans


        labor unions


111.  NAWSA helped win women the right to

112.  Upton Sinclairs book  "the Jungle" is about the

113.  In the 1912 election Roosevelt was nominated by the Progressive Party and ran under the name of the ________ party.

114.  What was prohibition?

115.  Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony were women who fought for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

116.  What was the result of the deadly fire at New Yorks Triangle Shirtwaist Company?

117.  What is civil disobedience?

118.  Social Welfare programs are provided by  




        Mr.  Reints

119.  Mr.  Reints favorite football team

120.  Mr. Reints favorite saying:

121.  This review is all about:


        Question 121.


        a dog named 18 5 24

        Mr. Reints

        Mr. Reints and his torturing of American History students and their minds

        Mr. Reints giving out useless information like he has German in his ancestory

        Mr. Reints getting caramel rolls Monday morning for the test.

        Mr. Reints giving caramel rolls Monday morning before the test.

        Mr. Reints is bored and has nothing else to do except help his History students.

        Mr. Reints mind wanders like a tree branching out.

        Mr.  Reints showing off his typing skills

        Mr.  Reints improving his typing skills

        Mr. Reints showing his sense of humor with useless dumb stuff.

        Mr. Reints killing a tree if students print this out and this stuff takes up a page.

        Mr. Reints laughing inside at students who are still trying to figure out what a dog named 18 5 24 stands for.

        Mr.  Reints laughing inside himself at students who are still reading this.

        Mr. Reints and his stupid quote that we are all sick of "This is what college is all about.  Reading 20 chapters, answering stuff never talked about, and writing papers."  Good thing he typed up this review.

        Mr. Reints in a long way telling students that if they can figure out "a dog named 18 5 24" is a code and if they break the code by semester test time they will get 5 bonus points on the test.

        Mr. Reints now altering the question since there was help from Mr. Sayler and he can't realistically give everyone 5 bonus points now.

        Stay tuned-

        Mr. Reints imagining the rath students are feeling now as they read this.

        Mr.  Reints telling his class reading this to get a life and not study for this test-you will still ace it

        Mr.  Reints now giving a riddle 1st come 1st served "What walks on 4 in the morning, walks on 2 in the noon, and walks on 3 at night?"  answer and why

        Now I'm having fun-one more:

" I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?"

Good luck on the test