Answer each question as you read the text or powerpoints


A. Why did Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer launch a series of raids against suspected communists?



B. According to Vanzetti, what were the reasons for his imprisonment?



C. What were the main goals of the Ku Klux Klan at this time?



D. Why did Congress make changes in immigration laws in the 1920s?



E. Compare the results of the Boston police strike and the steel strike.


1. nativism


2. isolationism


3. communism


4. anarchists


5. Sacco and Vanzetti


6. quota system


7. John L. Lewis




A. What were the reasons European countries were not paying their war debts?



B. What do Harding’s appointments indicate about his judgment?



C. How did the scandals of the Harding administration hurt the country economically?



 1. Warren G. Harding


2. Charles Evans Hughes


3. Fordney-McCumber Tariff


4. Ohio gang


5. Teapot Dome scandal



6. Albert B. Fall




A. What was the impact of the automobile?



B. How did the widespread use of the automobile affect the environment and the lives of Americans?



C. How did the use of electricity affect Americans’ lifestyle?



D. What was the main advantage and disadvantage of buying on credit?



E. How do you think the changes in spending will affect the economy?



1. Calvin Coolidge


2. urban sprawl


3. installment plan