Map Assignment

1.  Use your text or a reference map and label the states outlined on your map.

2.  Use a solid line to show the boundary of the Confederate states of America.

3.  Find out when each Confederate state was admitted to the Union.  Then find out when that state established a conservative government to replace the Reconstruction government.

4.  Label each southern state with the date it was readmitted the Union and date its conservative government was established.  Create a way to distinguish between the two dates so that it is clear which date is which.

5.  Create a key in the blank box.

6.  (a)  When was Texas readmitted to the Union?

     (b)  When was a conservative government established in North Carolina?

     (c)  Which state was the last to be admitted to the Union?

      (d)  Which governments were the first to establish conservative governments?

      (e)  In which state did Radical Reconstruction last the longest?


7.  Critical Thinking:  In 250 words tell me-How do you think reconstruction efforts in the South affected national elections(particularily the election of 1876)_ after the civil war?  You may want to find election maps to support your essay.  Include at least one source in your essay and make a bibliography.  (This will require your analytical, synthesizing, evaluating, comparison-contrast upper level thinking skills-good luck.

I have included this link to help you-"Thank you-Mr. Reints"