U.S. History

The Progressive Era


The Origins of Progressivism


___________________________How old was Camella Teoli when she went to work in a textile

      mill to support her family?

___________________________What happened to Camella Teolia soon after starting work?


___________________________List the four goals of Progressivism








___________________________This organization opened libraries, sponsored classes, and built

                                                      swimming pools and handball courts?

___________________________This organization fed poor people in soup kitchens and cared

                                                      for children in nurseries?

___________________________She was an advocate for improving the lives of women and


___________________________She won passage of the Illinois Factory act of 1893.


___________________________The banning of alcoholic beverages.


___________________________They feared that alcohol was undermining American morals.


___________________________This organization, founded in 1874, spearheaded the crusade

      for prohibition.

___________________________This prompted some Americans to question the capitalist

      economic system.

___________________________He helped organize the American Socialist Party in 1901.


___________________________Who often received favorable treatment from government

      officials and politicians?

___________________________Journalist who wrote about the corruption in business and

      public life.

___________________________She wrote History of the Standard Oil Company.


___________________________Lawyer who defended the 10 hour workday for women factory

      and laundry workers.

___________________________The type of legal argument that focuses on data produced by

                                                      social scientists.

___________________________Studies to show just how quickly a task can be performed?


___________________________This innovation did speed up production, but required people to

      work like machines and caused a high worker turnover.


___________________________To keep automobile workers happy and prevent strikes he

                                                      reduced the workday to 8 hours and paid workers $5 a day.

___________________________They rewarded their supporters with jobs and kickbacks, and

                                                      openly bought votes.

___________________________This city adopted the city commission form of government

                                                      after the 1900 hurricane.

___________________________The council-manager form of government was adopted in this

                                                      city after the flood of 1913.

___________________________This city pioneered the council-manager form of government.


___________________________Progressive reform mayor of Detroit (1890-1897) who

                                                      instituted a fairer tax structure.

___________________________ Progressive reform mayor of Cleveland (1901-1909) who

                                                      converted utilities to publicly owned enterprises.

___________________________Progressive reform governor of Wisconsin (1890-1897)

                                                      nicknamed “Fighting Bob”.




Expanding Public Education


___________________________By early 1900 how many students attended high school?


___________________________This group was mostly excluded from public education.








___________________________This group was encouraged to attend public schools.






___________________________What was the increase in college enrollment between 1880

      and 1920?

___________________________He believed racism would end once blacks acquired labor skills

      and proved their economic value to society.

___________________________He was born a slave and in 1881 headed the Tuskegee Institute

                                                      (now Tuskegee College).

___________________________He was the first African American to earn a doctorate from

      Harvard (1895)  

___________________________He founded the Niagara Movement which encouraged blacks

      to seek a liberal arts education.

___________________________By the turn of the 20th century educational opportunities had

      increased but what remained a thorn in the flesh of American



Segregation and Discrimination


___________________________She was born a slave, but later worked as a teacher and

                  newspaper editor

___________________________List two restrictions that prevented African Americans from

      voting in the southern states after Reconstruction.



___________________________What did many southern states add to their constitutions that

                                                      allowed ineligible white sharecroppers to vote?

___________________________name given to segregation laws that separated blacks and

      whites in southern society.

___________________________The Supreme Court ruled in this 1896 case that separation of

      the races was legal in public accommodations.

___________________________This Supreme Court case established the “separate but equal”


___________________________This Supreme Court case legalized racial segregation for

      almost 60 years.

___________________________What was a common punishment for blacks who violated the

       rules of a southern segregated society (peaked in the 1880’s

       and 1890’s)?

___________________________Why did many blacks move to northern cities by 1900?


___________________________They were forced to live in segregated neighborhoods in

                                                       northern cities.

___________________________They were discouraged from joining labor unions.


___________________________They were the first to be fired by employers when northern

                                                       factories laid off workers.

___________________________a system that bound laborers into slavery in order to work off a

      debt to the employer.

___________________________In 1882 Congress slammed the door on Chinese immigration

      by passing this act.

___________________________By 1880 how many Chinese immigrants lived in the United



The Dawn of Mass Culture


___________________________They often built amusement parks on the outskirts of town to

                                                      attract riders.

___________________________She declared, “I think [bicycling] has done more to emancipate

                                                      women than anything else in the world…”

Why did she make the above statement?___________________________________________




___________________________This sport that originated in North Wales in 1873 also became

      popular in the United States.

___________________________Chocolate bar first sold in 1900.


___________________________drink originally formulated by an Atlanta pharmacist as a cure

                                                      for headaches in 1886.

___________________________Two popular spectator sports by the turn of the 20th century.




___________________________He pioneered the large Sunday edition newspaper and

      emphasized “sin, sex, and sensation” to outsell his competitor.

___________________________He owned the San Francisco Examiner and filled his

      newspapers with exaggerated tales of personal scandals,

      cruelty, hypnotism, etc. to sell papers.

___________________________He wrote Huckleberry Finn.


___________________________America’s first department store located in Chicago.


___________________________Chain retail store that boasted 596 stores by 1911.


___________________________These two department stores, established in 1872 and 1886,

      brought retail merchandise to rural towns through catalog sales.