push-pull factors
events that pushed away or attracted people
Pacific Railway Acts
government gave land grants for transcontinental railroad
Morrill Land-Grant Act
gave governments land to raise money for A&M colleges
land speculators
bought large areas of land for profit
Homestead Act
government gave 160 acres to one if he met certain conditions
southern blacks fleeing from violence and exploitation; led by Benjamin "Pap" Singleton
Great Plains
grassland between Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains
provided supplies to Plains Indians
Indians who followed available food sources
Railroads & Gold Rush
intruded the lives of the Plains Indians between 1840s and 1860s
lands set aside for Indians
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
delivered supplies to reservations
Sand Creek Massacre
John Chivington attacked Black Kettle and the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians
Battle of Little Bighorn
Sioux killed George Custer and more than 200 American soldiers
Ghost Dance
Wovoka promised the Indians' lives back if they peformed this ritual
Massacre at Wounded Knee
Last major battle where soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux
A Century of Dishonor
Book by Helen Hunt Jackson protesting the cruelty to the Indians
the Indians adopt the white man's culture
Dawes Act
each Indian family headed by a man received 160 acres
settlers who came into Indian Territory to stake claims in land
People who sneaked into Indian Territory, before it was opened, to stake claims
Gold & Silver
brought prospectors to Colorado, Nevada, and South Dakota
placer mining
to rinse loose dirt from particles of gold
Americans learned cattle ranching from this group
Joseph McCoy established his first "cow town" for receiving cattle near rail lines
trail that connected San Antonio to cow towns in the north
long drive
herding of thousands of cattle to railway centers
Goodnight-Loving Trail
trail from San Antonio to Cheyenne, Wyoming
People who farmed with claims from the Homestead Act
a home that has sod for its walls and roof
dry farming
farmers did this for water conservation
bonanza farms
farms raising large quantities of cash crops
Turner thesis
Historian's idea that the frontier played a key role in shaping American character
Nat Love
Famous African American cowboy
Monetary policy
government's plan for the quantity of the nation's money supply
Bland-Allison Act
required the government to purchase and coin more silver
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
required the government to increase the amount of silver it purchased every month
organization that pressured lawmakers to regulate businesses that farmers depended on
Interstate Commerce Act
regulated railroad shipping between states
party formed by farmers that demanded changes in economic and social politics
Cross of Gold Speech
Willaim Jennings Bryan said: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!"