U.S. History

Ch. 4 Sect 1


Essay:  Bloody fighting during the first two years of the Civil War made it clear to both sides that the struggle would be long and difficult.  Comment.


I.  Introduction-“not so easy”

            A.  Fort Sumter-

            B.  Sallie Hunt

            C.  Upper South succeeds-

            D.  New confederate capital-

E.     Irvin McDowell and First Battle of Bull Run

a.       Stonewall Jackson

b.      Results


II.  Strengths of North and South

A.    North

1.      Population

2.      Railroads

3.      Factories


B.     South

1.      Leadership

2.      Military tactics

3.      Morale


III.  Early Strategies of the Opposing Sides
            A. North

1) Capture Richmond and force surrender
2) Expel Confederates from border states
3) Control the Mississippi River-Anaconda Plan
4) Blockade southern ports and stop cotton shipments


            B. South-war of attrition

1) Capture Washington, D.C.
2) Control border states
3) Gain England' support

                        4) Expel troops from South


IV.  War in the West

A.    Forts Henry and Donelson

B.     Battle of Shiloh


V.  War in the East

            A.  Monitor and Merrimac

            B.  Peninsular Campaign

VI.  South attacks

A.    Second Battle of Bull Run

B.     Battle of Antietnam