Quick outline of the 60's

  1. Civil Rights Movement
    1. Birmingham, AL
    2. March on Washington
    3. Civil Rights Act 1964
    4. Voting Rights Act 1965
  2. The Cold War continues
    1. Berlin Wall
    2. Bay of Pigs
    3. Cuban Missile Crisis
    4. "Missile Gap"
  3. Vietnam part 1
    1. History pre 1941
    2. Ho Chi Minh
    3. France after WWII
    4. US involvement
    5. Tonkin Gulf Resolution
  4. Domestic events
    1. Doves vs Hawks
    2. Goldwater & 1964 election
    3. Draft and deferment
    4. "Great Society"
    5. Medicare vs Medicaid
    6. Warren Court & civil liberties
  5. 1968
    1. Assassination of MLK
    2. Assassination of JFK
    3. (Arab Israeli War)
    4. Eugene McCarthy
    5. Tet offensive
    6. War protests
    7. Democratic convention
  6. Vietnam continues...
    1. Vietnamization
    2. Woodstock
    3. Pentagon Papers
    4. "Peace with honor"
    5. Cambodia
    6. Kent State
    7. End of the war
    8. End of South Vietnam