Questions on “The Gods Must Be Crazy"


bullet answer questions A - D
bullet pick 4 of questions 1 - 12 to answer
then finish all of E - J

  1. What is the significance of the Coke bottle?
  2. What might the role of the baboon be in handling the Coke bottle?
  3. Consider the rituals you see happening in the movie, in all cultures. How does the courtroom scene fit in here?
  4. What is the significance of the Bushman finally throwing the Coke bottle off the end of the world?

  1. How does the Coke bottle impact the Bushman?
  2. Why is the scene with the Bushman holding the gun humorous?
  3. What type of discipline did the San People use with their children? Would this work in the U.S.?
  4. Why does Xi think that Ms. Thompson, the teacher, is an ugly looking hag?
  5. Why does Xi think the Europeans are gods? Suggest why the Bushman thought the white woman may have been a god.
  6. The narrator said: he (the Bushman) began to wonder whether they (whites) really were gods. Comment on the significance of this statement.
  7. How does the police officer responsible for animals fit into this point?
  8. What in the movie represents sure death for the Bushman? Why?
  9. The rich man with the bus that keeps saving the woman - what is his role in the movie?
  10. How was the decision about the Coke bottle made?
  11. What has the Bushman taught us through the movie?
  12. How does the Bushman say good-bye. That is, what expression does he use and why?

    Did all of the events portrayed in the film ring true? Describe the scenes that you found especially accurate. Which sequences didn't seem to match reality? Why?
  2. Was there something you didn't understand about the movie?
  3. What did you like best about the movie? Why?
  4. What was the theme of this film? What were the film makers trying to tell us? Were they successful? Justify your answer.
  5. Did you learn anything from this movie? What was it?
  6. The BIG question:

What is the Coke bottle that should be thrown off the edge of the world, in your life, your family’s life, your culture? That is, what thing has come in from outside and has disrupted the good order of things? How did it come in to your life? What has it done to disrupt things? How will you get rid of it (throw it off the edge of the world?)