Who are you?  What are you like?  What defines and describes your personality? Take some tests to find out some informal answers to these questions.  Evaluate if you agree with the test results and what they suggest about your personality.  In this project, you will have the opportunity to write an explanation or interpretation of your personality based on ten of the following instruments (tests).  

Please note that these are informal tests - do not take them too seriously.  We are using these tests as a learning experience and to help guide you with discovering your own personality.

This project is due at the end of the nine weeks.  It is your choice if you wish to finish it now or later.  Do not leave it too close to the end of the course - procrastination is a cause of stress.

Do not forget to print out each result.  You will need the results for your report.


  1. Procrastination Test

  2. Locus of Control

  3. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

  4. Type A Personality Test

  5. What is your astrology personality?

  6. Sensation Seeking Test

  7. Enneagram Test

  8. http://www.keirsey.com/sorter/instruments2.aspx?partid=0


  9. Optimist/Pessimist Test

  10. All About You's Test


This project is worth ____% of your final mark.

1.  Please complete a minimum 350 word report titled "Who am I ?"   This report should answer the title question based on the results of the ten tests.  Please indicate which tests you thought were the most reliable and valid.  Also indicate which tests you thought were the least reliable and valid.  Use the psychological definition of reliability and validity as your reference.  I am also interested in what you discovered about yourself after taking these tests.  Use insight.

2.  Include a title page that will present 1-3 symbols or images that accurately reflect your personality.  Do not use any words on your title page.  You can draw your title page and scan it if you have access to a scanner.  Another option is to use a drawing program (e.g., Paint) or copy and paste images from the Internet. You will not be marked on your drawing skills.  Please include a summary at the end of the "Who Am I?" report explaining the meaning behind your symbols/pictures.