Read the section on the above website “Why it matters.”  Answer the following:

1.  Simply put, what is human trafficking?

2.  It is estimated that about _______________million people are enslaved globally.

3.  How many come from developed economies?

4.  How many children alone are trafficked in the U.S.?

5.  List three ways one could become a “slave.”

6.  Find the link and read the section about “Brianna’s Story.”  In 200 words write a reaction to what you read. 

7.  List the ten worst states doing the least to help fight human trafficking. (slide show)



8.  Now write a one page letter to a District 1 South Dakota representative in Pierre advocating new legislation to help fight human sex trafficking in South Dakota. 

Block style, new times roman, ci-12, single space-in terms of number of words just so I can make sure it is long enough-make the letter at least 270 words.  This should be just long enough to make you use some upper level thinking skills for the last 50 words.




9.  List three commonalities that some or all of these states seem to have in common.