Can be based on:

Economy:  What provides the goods and services that are bought, sold, and



      type                     country                           Description               

Capitalism Russia
Socialism Norway
Communism Cuba


Politics:  How is the Government run?


        type                    country                            Description

Dictatorship Former Iraq
Totalitarian China
Theocracy Iran
Monarchy Jordan
Parliamentary Israel
Republic USA
Anarchy Afghanistan/Iraq?


Authority:  Who picks the Government?


        Type                   Country                                Description

Revolutionary USA, France, USSR
Totalitarian North Korea
Oligarchy/Plutocracy Pakistan
Democracy India



REMEMBER: nearly every country in the world is ruled by a system that combines 2 or more of these (for example, the USA is not a true capitalist society, since the government actually provides some services for its citizens). Additionally, one person's opinion of the type of government may differ from another's (many argue that the USA is actually a plutocracy rather than a democracy).


Much of the information on this page came from the following sources:
CBBC - Types of Government
Political Systems Explained
Best Government?

