Crossword Puzzle

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5. She is a popular talk-show host, actress, and the first African-American woman to own her own television company. (first and last names)
8. Popular jazz musician who played in the 1920’s and 30’s. (first and last names)
9. She is known as the "Queen of the Blues" (first and last names)
11. This term means “mixing of the races,” as in public schools.
12. He was the Chief Justice who wrote the court opinion in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. (first and last names)
14. School districts taking all practical steps to eliminate segregation could end busing, according to this Supreme Court case – Oklahoma City Board of Education v. ____.
15. Governor George Wallace “stood in the schoolhouse door” to try to prevent the integration of the University of ___.
18. The first African-American to play major league baseball. (first and last names)
20. The public schools in this Virginia county were closed to avoid integration.
21. When the Supreme Court ordered all public schools to end segregation, over 100 members of this lawmaking body reacted in protest.
23. Scientist who came up with more than two dozen uses for the peanut. (first, middle, last name)
26. This organization helps people who face discrimination.
27. Nine black students were at first denied the right to enroll at an all-white high school in this Arkansas city.


1. Oliver Brown accused the Board of Education of Topeka of violating the equal protection clause of this Constitutional amendment.
2. He used paratroopers to help integrate Central High School. (last name)
3. The transporting of black and white students to achieve integration within school districts is known by this term.
4. He was the lawyer who presented the Brown case to the Supreme Court. (first and last names)
6. The Supreme Court ruled in this case that “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional.
7. The Supreme Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, thereby rejecting this “separate but equal” doctrine.
10. She was denied admission to the school located closest to where she lived. (first and last names)
13. Tiger Woods' real first name.
16. President John F. Kennedy sent troops and federal marshals to ensure that James Meredith could attend the University of ___.
17. Segregation existed for a long time in transportation, education, _____, and recreation.
19. This was the number of justices that voted for the Topeka Board of Education.
22. Delivered the famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. (first, middle, and last name)
24. She led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. (first and last name)
25. This section of the country was slow to accept desegregation.
28. She refused to give up her bus seat sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott and changing history. (first and last name)

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