Rwanda Powerpoint/Reading Note Guide


Slide 2:

1400's who were the rulers-what tribe:  ___________


minority of the population were the:  _____________


Majority of the population were the:  _____________

Tutsis made their living by:  _________


Hutus made their living by:  __________


Kings gave the land to the ________ who then charged the _________ to live on it and work it.


Reading 1:

Belgian and German colonists divided Rwanda into 3 groups of people.








Belgians thought the tutsis were superior why :  ____________


How was the genocide carried:












What was the name of the first Hutu President?  ______________


Slide 3:

Gaining wealth meant losing "___________"


Belgians gave preferential treatment to the Tutsis based on what facial feature?  ______ _______


Blunt noses were the __________


Slide 4

1959  ________overthrew the _________


Over ___________ Tutsis were killed the first year.


Over ___________fled Rwanda


Slide 6

Rwandan Civil War


Lasted from _______ to ________


Tutsis tried to get power back from the __________


Slide 7

Two extremist Hutu militias


    1.  _________________"those who stand together"


    2.  _________________"those who have the same goal"


Slide 8

April 6th, 1994-who was shot down-


Who got the blame?


Slide 10

Who massacred who?


Ordinary citizens were called to kill their neighbors or _______________


Slide 11

How many killed?  ____________


at least _________ but maybe up to ________________