
Human actions often have a detrimental effect on their surroundings. Sometimes these effects are large scale and disastrous, others less obvious. The purpose of this project is to examine the causes and effects of large-scale environmental catastrophes. It is important to keep in mind that not all such incidents are accidental: in many cases, deliberate actions led to unforeseen consequences.

Each group will be responsible for two separate examinations of their chosen ‘holocaust.’ One will determine the causes and consequences to the surrounding environment (due in your environmental science class), the other will detail the actions and effects on the human landscape (due in your social science class). A scale model of your disaster will also be required (you can use the same for both classes, however).


bullet Choose a partner
bullet Choose a disaster
bullet Research the disaster
bullet Prepare a two-page report and oral presentation on the environmental causes and effects (one partner)
bullet Prepare a two-page report and oral presentation on the human causes and effects (other partner)
bullet Make a scale model of the disaster (both partners)
bullet Present and hand in report


bullet Week of      : Research 
bullet Week of      : Preparation (not necessarily in-class time)
bullet Week of      : Presentations


Each partner is responsible for the entire presentation


bullet 3 Mile Island
bullet African Desertification
bullet Aral Sea
bullet Aswan Dam
bullet Bangladesh Floods
bullet Bhopal/Union Carbide
bullet Bikini Atoll
bullet Chernobyl
bullet Dust Bowl
bullet Eastern Europe pollution
bullet Exxon Valdez
bullet Hiroshima/Nagasaki 
bullet Kuwaiti Oil Wells
bullet Love Canal
bullet Mississippi River Floods
bullet PCB in the Great Lakes
bullet Rexford, Idaho/Teton Dam
bullet Savannah River Power Plant
bullet Times Beach
bullet Yangtze Dam

any of the latest Tsunamis


Hurricane Katrina

bulletAny others (with instructor permission) 

Here are the links gathered...

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