Conquest and Colonization


The Founding of the 13 Original Colonies WebQuest

(adapted from numerous sites around the web; see bibliography below)


King Reints demands an update on the expensive colonization efforts taking place in the New World. He will be arriving at the Royal Academy soon and your expertise is needed immediately! You must provide information on the 13 original colonies directly to him using the latest methods.

Through researching the colonization of America, you should note the similarities and differences between the Southern, Middle and New England Colonies on topics such as geography, religious factors, and slavery issues. For each region you will uncover hardships that the settlers faced while creating a new life.

After analyzing your findings, your team will create a Powerpoint Presentation to illustrate the colonization period and a map of your region (more info later). If you complete these tasks and make a successful presentaton to the King, he will reward you with fabulous treasures.

The Task

The task is to find the following information about the 13 original colonies. 
  • Name of each colony and the region to which it belongs (Northern, Middle, Southern)
  • The founders of each colony and the year each was founded
  • Descriptions of why each colony was founded
  • Geographical characteristics of each colony
  • Was there slavery in that colony, and if so, how was it run?
  • The economy of each colony (how they made their money)
  • What daily life was like for a typical family
  • Answer the "What We Want to Know" questions asked by the class

The Process

  1. Each group will be responsible for one region
  2. Each group must print out their Information Sheet for their region.
  3. Fill out the information sheet. The King expects every one of his subjects to do their fair share. To make sure this is the case, please also print out this page and fill it in.
  4. As you find information on the internet, save the website address and a brief description of its contents.
  5. Once the Information Sheet has been completed, all experts will come together to share findings. Each team member needs to share their information with the other members. Create a PowerPoint presentation to share your information with the rest of the class. Your discoveries must include a minimum of 8-10 slides ranging for a duration of 3-5 minutes. The presentation MUST be a collaborative effort.
  6. Create a notesheet to accompany your presentation. These will be handed out to the royal court when you make your presentation to the King.
  7. Design a map of your region showing the geography of each of the colonies. This will be drawn to a designated scale to be displayed with that of the other 2 groups.
  8. Put all your hard work together and practice your presentation to the King.


Your team will be given two grades for this project. One grade will be an individual grade and the second will be a grade for the group. The following rubrics will used for assessment.


You will have a better understanding of how the 13 original colonies were founded after completing this WebQuest. You will have learned about the three regions and how to work collaboratively as a team and you will have earned wonderful treasures.

Sources:,, and