Salem Witch Trials on the web

  • Go to
  • Read through the site, view the ‘video,’ and answer the following questions:
    1. What was the cornerstone of life in 17th century New England?
    2. What did Puritans view failed crops or a sick child as?
    3. What type of people did Puritans believe Satan picked to do his work?
    4. What were the 2 parts of Salem and how did they differ?
    5. How did the Puritans view toys and games?
    6. Name 3 things that boys and 3 things that girls could do.
    7. Why might girls enjoy being ‘bewitched?’
    8. Who was Tituba?
    9. According to Tituba’s account, what did the devil look like?
    10. What were Sarah Good’s last words, and how were they prophetic?
    11. What methods were used to kill those convicted?
    12. What was supposedly impossible for a witch to do (and thus a "proof" of his or her innocence)?
    13. Thought Problem – Could this sort of activity happen today? Why or why not? Are there other types of ‘witchcraft’ of which we accuse people?

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